Religious Communities

Sisters of the Child Jesus (SEJ)

Our charism is to be a presence of love for the awakening and deepening of the faith. We live this out in our various ministries: teaching the faith through PREP, RCIA and RCIC; visiting the sick, the shut-in and those in prison; PRH,  counselling, spiritual direction, accompaniment and bereavement work; working at L’Arche and being present to our First Nations’ brothers and sisters.

In docility to the Spirit of God at work in us, and with the particular gifts and talents of each sister, we strive through prayer, good works and community witness, to be a presence of God’s love to all we meet and to draw them to the knowledge and love of God.

We are a small International Congregation committing ourselves to be present among our brothers and sisters throughout the world, sharing together our faith, work, struggles, hopes, joys and difficulties, endeavouring to announce Jesus Christ through every aspect of our lives.

Our cross which identifies us as Sisters of the Child Jesus is a semblance of a circle, symbolizing our world. Superimposed on it are the letters GDPH depicting our motto in an abbreviated form. Our motto is the song the angels sang to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus:


For more information, contact:

Sr. Denece Billesberger, SEJ
(604) 936-2875
318 Laval Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4W4