Ministries & Offices

Prison Ministry


Our volunteers are committed to ministering to help our brothers and sisters to “redeem, restore and reconcile” their lives. Watch the video below to hear testimony from a released offender, volunteer and previous coordinator of Prison Ministry, Maureen Donegan.

Our in-prison ministry addresses the spiritual needs of the incarcerated through Mass, fellowship, letter writing, Bible study, Alpha, Taizé prayer, Rosary making, volunteer-led discussions, visitations and more.

Volunteer with us

Making wrist rosaries and other collaborative projects

The wrist rosary project is a collaboration with federal institutions and Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Vancouver to raise funds for Operation Smile and other local, non-profit organizations. The objective is for the men and women in the federal institutions to have the chance to “give back” by making wrist rosaries for the students in the schools. The students each receive a wrist rosary made by an inmate and then are taught how to make one to sell in support of the non-profit organizations. We believe this is a great way for many hands to work together to have a positive impact on our world locally and abroad.

When we visit the classrooms, it also gives our volunteers an opportunity to share what Prison Ministry is all about, and why we “visit the prisoners” (Matthew 25:31-46). The students and teachers enjoy the 1 hour session while learning about one of our Corporeal Works of Mercy.

Presentations at High Schools

Former inmate Ryan Prasad (left) with Bob Buckham, the Coordinator of the Archdiocese’s prison ministry. Prasad thanks Catholic volunteers who brought him to faith. He now pays it forward by speaking to youth at Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

Ryan Prasad is a dynamic speaker who gives of his time to speak to senior high school students about his journey of experimenting with drugs, participating in the drug crime world, incarceration, and freedom.

Because Ryan is young, he relates well to the students, and his story hits home with many students.

Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA)

Vancouver/Fraser Valley Circles of Support and Accountability (VFV CoSA) is a community based volunteer program that assists people who have committed a sexual offence on their release from prison.

Our goal is to substantially reduce the risk of sexual victimization of community members by assisting and supporting released individuals in their task of integrating with the community, and leading responsible, productive and accountable lives.

Visit their website

Download the brochure

Support for Released Offenders Program

This program is designed to support released offenders with no sexual related crimes.

The volunteer is:

  • Available for pro-social encouragement and practical elements
  • Accessible by cell phone only, no contact by email and no contact or sharing on any social media platform. Inmate must be released into the community before communication begins.
  • Able to talk, particularly during difficult times
  • Open to meet in a public place, i.e. coffee shop, restaurant. If another location is chosen, the CCJS committee must agree upon it
  • Free to assist in finding employment, setting up a bank account, using public transportation, etc.

Healing Circles of Support for Those Affected by Crime

The Archdiocese of Vancouver has developed Healing Circles of Support (HCS) for those whose lives have been affected by crime. Our primary goal is to provide a caring, healing, and emotional support network to those impacted by crime. HCS is a program for survivors of crime, offered to everyone, free of charge, regardless of religious beliefs or affiliation.

Download the brochure

Women’s Support Group for Mothers and Wives of Incarcerated Men

Sharing practical information and emotional support. For more information, call 604-226-6964.