Abuse Crisis · Report Abuse

Reporting Clergy Abuse

If you have experienced clergy sexual abuse, we encourage you to report it and take a step towards the healing and care you deserve. Our primary concern is your well-being. We are here to support you in any way we can with your mental, relational and/or spiritual needs.

No matter how long ago the abuse may have occurred, we encourage you to come forward. If you want to speak with an independent social worker, please call (604) 363- 7338. They will compassionately listen to you and outline some possible options for care. 

We are aware that many victims/survivors and their families have little or no connection with the Catholic Church. However, if you choose to approach us, we commit to offering you the compassion, respect, and a path towards the deeper healing that you deserve. You are not alone. We understand how much courage it takes to report your experience and we sincerely hope that every victim/survivor will consider coming forward.

Procedure for Reporting Clergy Abuse

Phase 1: Report Received

When you report your experience, a social worker will walk you through some basic questions to better understand and document the details. They will offer you counselling and tell you about available resources and how to file a report with local authorities. This becomes a requirement if the incident involved a minor at the time.

Phase 2: Research and Review

With your permission, a representative at the Archdiocese of Vancouver will be notified regarding this allegation and a thorough search of the Church’s files and archives will be conducted to gather information. A committee, which includes victims/survivors of clergy abuse, will review the initial report. This committee will make a recommendation regarding whether to proceed with a formal investigation. You will be updated at the end of this step.

Phase 3: Investigation

If called for, an experienced investigator will work to collect evidence and talk to witnesses to help prepare a more detailed report. Your involvement in this investigation is key and you will be updated at the end of this step.

Phase 4: Further Process

If the case is likely headed to a canonical (Church) trial of the accused clergy member, you will be updated regarding the Church’s internal process. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (in Rome) is the official Church authority responsible for dealing with clergy sexual abuse of minors. They will review the report and can determine what happens to the accused clergy member. Phase Four rarely occurs but we want you to know about all possible steps.

Phase 5: Decision and Conclusion

At this point, you will be informed of the actions the Church has taken regarding your report. The Archdiocese may offer you additional counselling and support services.  The file is then closed and kept permanently on record.

If you have been a victim/survivor of clergy sexual abuse, we hope that this information provides clarity and that you will consider coming forward.

To report abuse by a clergy member in the Archdiocese of Vancouver, please call
(604) 363-7338 or   1-800-968-3146.

Useful links: