Effective - May 31, 2024 00:00

Policy for Inviting Speakers to the Archdiocese of Vancouver

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Outside preachers and speakers bring considerable blessings to our local Church. The following policy is intended to ensure sound orthodox teaching and compliance with safe environment guidelines.

By requiring initial permission before a speaker is invited, the policy avoids the embarrassment of retracting an invitation after the fact. By requiring careful documentation of suitability, it conforms with our safe environment policy.

  1. The policy is to be followed by parishes, Archdiocesan offices, CISVA, all Catholic schools, and Catholic organizations and associations of any kind, other than post-secondary institutions. It must be observed before extending invitations to guest speakers who will address conferences, workshops, retreats, rallies, and parish missions.
  2. The policy applies equally to those whose presentation is in person or via electronic media (e.g. Zoom).
  3. The policy applies when the subject of the presentation is related to faith, morals, spiritual matters, or human sexuality. It does not apply to talks on purely secular subjects, unless a parish is the sponsor of the outside speaker.
  4. Inviting outside speakers, including bishops, priests, deacons, or members of the lay faithful requires the express permission of the Archbishop, Vicar General, or Chancellor.
  5. Before inviting a speaker, the sponsor must complete the “Application to Invite Guest Speakers” to establish the suitability of the individual.
  6. A short biography of the person and their past experience and qualifications should accompany the form when submitted to the Archbishop.
  7. When speakers are clerics or members of an Institute of Consecrated Life, the sponsor will request they provide the RCAV suitability form, or equivalent, signed by the bishop or major superior.
  8. When speakers are lay faithful, the sponsor will provide a letter of reference from their diocese or a senior leader of the Catholic organization with which they are affiliated.
  9. The documents in nos. 5 to 8 are to be sent directly to the Archbishop’s Office. Groups using parish facilities need the endorsement of the pastor.
  10. Once permission is received, the sponsor may then proceed to invite the speaker to the Archdiocese.
  11. When all arrangements are in place, a letter will be issued from the Archdiocese granting faculties for clerics or giving permission, as appropriate.
  12. Because this procedure can take some time, requests should be sent well in advance of the gathering or event. (An expedited process by e-mail will be possible in cases where the speaker was approved by the Archdiocese for another engagement within the previous six months.)
  13. Requests are only accepted in writing, and not by telephone.
  14.  This policy does not apply to: 
    1. priests and deacons serving in the Archdiocese of Vancouver who are in good standing,
    2. those who hold appointed or staff positions in the Archdiocese who are in good standing;
    3. Theology or Religious Studies faculty members having a mandatum and who are in good standing at St. Mark’s, Corpus Christi, or Catholic Pacific Colleges;
    4. members of Institutes of Consecrated Life serving in the Archdiocese who are in good standing.

Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
May 31, 2024

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver