Effective - April 06, 2023 00:00

Annual Retreat Policy for Deacons

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A. Purpose

  1. The primary purpose of the annual retreat organized by the Permanent Diaconate Office (PDO) is to develop the human and spiritual dimensions of the deacon community. Themes and retreat masters will be selected with a view to the edification and rejuvenation for ministry of those in attendance. In addition to reflective talks on the spiritual life, the retreat time will include opportunities for silence and reflection, quiet conversation, and opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

B. Scheduling and Attendance

  1. The retreat will typically be held over three weekend days (i.e., Friday evening to Sunday afternoon).
  2. Attendance is mandatory for all deacons serving in active ministry (cf. Code of Canon Law, c. 276 §2 4°).
  3. Deacons should make every effort not to schedule conflicting ministry events during this time.

C. Financial Obligation

  1. The parish or agency to which the deacon has been assigned is to pay half the cost for the retreat of each permanent deacon; the remainder will be paid by the PDO.
  2. A deacon who is excused from the annual Archdiocesan retreat will be given reasonable financial assistance towards the cost of a private retreat by the parish or agency.
  3. Spouses are encouraged to participate in the annual retreat. Should they do so, half the cost will also be paid by the deacon’s parish or agency and the remainder by the PDO.
  4. Retired deacons of the Archdiocese and their spouses are encouraged to attend the annual retreat. They may apply to the PDO for assistance with the cost.

D. Exceptions

  1. The Archbishop must approve any variance or dispensation from these requirements.

Holy Thursday
April 6, 2023

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver