Effective - September 17, 2020 12:00

Advisory Boards – Terms of Reference

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An Advisory Board assists a Pastoral Centre Office in fostering the goals and objectives set out for it by the Archbishop and the Director of the Office.

A. Membership and Terms

  1. A Board will have no fewer than five (5) members who are committed to the Catholic Church with demonstrated experience and/or knowledge in the Office’s specific area of responsibility.
  2. Board members serve at the invitation and approval of the Archbishop. Anyone may recommend potential members to the Archbishop for his consideration.
  3. Appointment to the Board will be for a term of three (3) years, renewable with the approval of the Archbishop.
  4. A Chair will be appointed by the Archbishop for a two (2) year term, which may be renewed.
  5. The Director of the Office is an ex officio member of the Board.
  6. The Board will meet at least three (3) times per year.

B. Purpose

The purpose of the Advisory Board is to act as an advisor to the Director, to:

  1. Keep the overall mission of the Office clearly in focus and satisfy itself that the objectives of the Office are being fulfilled;
  2. Help prepare and review the long-range strategic plan for the Office;
  3. Identify and recommend opportunities for continuous improvement.

C. Procedure for the Appointment of Members of Advisory Boards

  1. Each January, the Chancery Office will provide a list of current members to the Chair and Director for each Advisory Board, highlighting those whose terms are expiring.
  2. The Chair and the Director will discuss renewing existing members and/or potential new members, and then the Director will contact those in question to ask if they are willing (to continue) to serve.
  3. Once a person has agreed to serve or be reappointed, the Director will seek the approval the Archbishop, providing confirmation of the person’s agreement – preferably in the form of an email – together with the person’s current contact information (email address, mailing address and phone number).
  4. The Chancery Office will prepare an appointment (or reappointment) letter. The letterwill be sent (via email) to the appointee; the Director and Chair will be copied. 
  5. If a member’s appointment is not being renewed, the Director will notify the Archbishop, and a letter from the Archbishop will be sent thanking them for their service.

Approved: Memorial of St. Robert Bellarmine
17 September 2020

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver

The following policy has been superseded: Terms of Reference for Advisory Boards, issued on November 4, 2013.