An Advisory Board assists a Pastoral Centre Office in fostering the goals and objectives set out for it by the Archbishop and the Director of the Office.
A. Membership and Terms
- A Board will have no fewer than five (5) members who are committed to the Catholic Church with demonstrated experience and/or knowledge in the Office’s specific area of responsibility.
- Board members serve at the invitation and approval of the Archbishop. Anyone may recommend potential members to the Archbishop for his consideration.
- Appointment to the Board will be for a term of three (3) years, renewable with the approval of the Archbishop.
- A Chair will be appointed by the Archbishop for a two (2) year term, which may be renewed.
- The Director of the Office is an ex officio member of the Board.
- The Board will meet at least three (3) times per year.
B. Purpose
The purpose of the Advisory Board is to act as an advisor to the Director, to:
- Keep the overall mission of the Office clearly in focus and satisfy itself that the objectives of the Office are being fulfilled;
- Help prepare and review the long-range strategic plan for the Office;
- Identify and recommend opportunities for continuous improvement.
C. Procedure for the Appointment of Members of Advisory Boards
- Each January, the Chancery Office will provide a list of current members to the Chair and Director for each Advisory Board, highlighting those whose terms are expiring.
- The Chair and the Director will discuss renewing existing members and/or potential new members, and then the Director will contact those in question to ask if they are willing (to continue) to serve.
- Once a person has agreed to serve or be reappointed, the Director will seek the approval the Archbishop, providing confirmation of the person’s agreement – preferably in the form of an email – together with the person’s current contact information (email address, mailing address and phone number).
- The Chancery Office will prepare an appointment (or reappointment) letter. The letterwill be sent (via email) to the appointee; the Director and Chair will be copied.
- If a member’s appointment is not being renewed, the Director will notify the Archbishop, and a letter from the Archbishop will be sent thanking them for their service.
Approved: Memorial of St. Robert Bellarmine
17 September 2020
+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver
The following policy has been superseded: Terms of Reference for Advisory Boards, issued on November 4, 2013.