Effective - February 26, 2021 00:00

Celebration of Confirmation within Mass

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If Confirmation is conferred within Mass on Sundays during Advent, Lent, Easter, Holy Week, Solemnities, and All Souls, the Mass of the day is celebrated. On Sundays in ordinary time, feasts, memorials, and weekdays, the ritual Mass for the Conferral of Confirmation (page 1126 in the Roman Missal) should be used.

A. What is Needed before the Ceremony

  • Tray with lemon slices, pieces of bread and liquid soap;
  • Towel;
  • Two vessels of adequate size for the washing of the hands: one to be used after the conferral of the Sacrament and the second for the washing of the Archbishop's hands after the preparation of the gifts and after he has distributed Holy Communion. In the latter case, since the purpose of the washing of the hands is to remove any particles of the Sacred Species, the water collected in this second vessel is not to be poured down the sink but into a sacrarium or, in its absence, into the ground;
  • Purificator;
  • Sacred Chrism in a small bowl with cotton batten;
  • Either a cordless microphone or a microphone on a long cord so that the Archbishop can walk around if he is asking questions of the confirmandi;
  • Six altar servers: cross bearer, thurifer, candle bearers (2), mitre bearer, crozier bearer; and
  • Name tag with the name of the saint chosen by the confirmand and printed on it in large characters. It is best if the name tag is affixed to the gown or hung from around the neck. Or the sponsor may present a card to the priest accompanying the Archbishop. The confirmandi shall not handle these cards themselves.

B. The Liturgy of the Mass of Confirmation

The order of the procession is as follows:

  1. Knights of Columbus (if there is an Honour Guard);
  2. Confirmandi;
  3. Thurifer;
  4. Cross, flanked by two candle bearers;
  5. Altar servers;
  6. Deacon or priest with the Book of the Gospels;
  7. Concelebrating priests;
  8. Archbishop, then
  9. Mitre bearer and crozier bearer.

All approach, bow to the altar two-by-two (or genuflect if the Blessed Sacrament is in the centre of the sanctuary), and go to their assigned places. The concelebrant  priests stop at the foot of the altar leaving some space in the centre for the Archbishop. The Archbishop passes his crozier and mitre to an assistant priest, who in turn passes them to the mitre bearer and crozier bearer. The two immediate concelebrants then bow together with the Archbishop and kiss the altar as usual.

Incense should be used. The thurifer and boat bearer come forward, bow to the Archbishop, who remains at the middle of the altar and there, places incense in the thurible. The two immediate concelebrants accompany the Archbishop for the incensation of the cross and the altar. They do not hold the edge of the chasuble.

The Archbishop will then proceed to the chair for the Introductory Rites of the Mass.

1. Introductory Rites

The Archbishop gives the Greeting followed by the Penitential Rite. Then the Archbishop intones the Gloria. The Roman Missal is brought to the Archbishop at the chair by a server assigned to be book bearer, after which the Collect is chanted. He then sits and receives the mitre.

2. Liturgy of the Word

When Confirmation is celebrated on Sundays, during Advent, Christmas Season, Lent, feasts or solemnities, the Readings of the day are used. The First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, and Second Reading all take place as usual. When Confirmation is celebrated within Mass on any other day, including Sundays in ordinary, the reading of the day may be used or exchanged for a corresponding reading from the Lectionary for Ritual and Votive Masses, nn. 764-768. During the Easter season the First Reading must be taken from the New Testament (cf. 764). There should be no Readings from the Old Testament during Easter Season. Readers should read from the Lectionary already placed at the ambo before Mass. No copies of the readings should be brought up at the time of the reading. After the Second Reading, once the Gospel acclamation has begun, the thurifer and boat bearer go to the Archbishop at the chair, bow to him and kneel, so that, seated, he may conveniently place incense in the thurible and bless it. If there is no boat bearer one of the concelebrants holds the boat.

The deacon or concelebrant who is to proclaim the Gospel then stands before the Archbishop, makes a deep bow to him and asks for his blessing saying, "Your blessing, Father." The Archbishop blesses the priest with the usual formula. The priest signs himself with the sign of the cross and replies, "Amen." The deacon or priest, led by the incense and candles, proceeds to the ambo. If the Gospel Acclamation is not of sufficient duration, instrumental music should fill in the time until the arrival of the Gospel procession at the ambo. Please note that not just the Alleluia/Lenten Response should be sung but also the verse of the Psalm itself.

Then the Archbishop passes his mitre to the mitre bearer and receives the crozier from the crozier bearer.

Once the Gospel has been proclaimed, the Book of the Gospel is brought, open at the text of the Gospel, to the Archbishop at the chair, where he kisses it. It is then passed to a server who places it on the credence table or some other suitable location.

C. Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation takes place after the Gospel. No music should be played during the Confirmation.

1. Presentation of the Candidates: (mitre on)

The pastor presents those to be confirmed to the Archbishop.

2. Homily (mitre on)

The Archbishop gives his homily. He may ask the confirmandi some questions on the Church's faith and how they have prepared for Confirmation.

After the homily, the mitre bearer, the crozier bearer, and the book bearer, holding the Order of Confirmation, go to the center of the altar. The concelebrating priests join him.

3. Renewal of Baptismal Promises: (mitre on; with crozier)

The Archbishop asks the candidates to renew their baptismal promises.

4. Laying on of Hands: (mitre off; no crozier)

Then the Archbishop, facing the people and with hands joined, gives the invitation:

Dearly beloved, let us pray to God the Almighty Father, for these, his adopted sons and daughters, already born again to eternal life in Baptism, that he will graciously pour out the Holy Spirit upon them to confirm them with his abundant gifts, and through his anointing conform them more fully to Christ, the Son of God.

All pray in silence for a brief period.

Then the Archbishop extends his hands over all those to be confirmed (as do the assisting priests). But only the Archbishop says:

Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who brought these your servants to new birth
by water and the Holy Spirit,
freeing them from sin:
send upon them, O Lord, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete;
Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and fortitude,
the spirit of knowledge and piety;
fill them with the spirit of the fear of the Lord.
through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen

5. Anointing with Chrism: (mitre on; with crozier)

The Archbishop approaches the confirmandi who present themselves either two-by-two (as for the reception of Holy Communion), or along the front of the sanctuary in a line, leaving the Archbishop ample room to maneuver. They also kneel along the altar rail.

The sponsor places his or her right hand on the candidate's  shoulder and repeats the candidate's name to the Archbishop. A name tag in large font should be clearly visible and secured onto the candidate's robe. The candidates should not be holding any registration forms or paper of any kind. Their Confirmation name should be clearly visible on a name tag. If the candidate's hair covers the forehead, the sponsor should gently pull it back so that the Archbishop can anoint it.

The Archbishop dips his right thumb into the Chrism and makes the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of the one to be confirmed, as he says,

        N., be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
        The newly confirmed responds: Amen.

The Archbishop then adds: 

        Peace be with you.
        The newly confirmed responds: And with your spirit.

No gesture accompanies the greeting of peace.

All candidates should kneel or remain standing until the Archbishop has finished anointing all the confirmandi, which is indicated when he gives up the crozier. Before proceeding to the chair, he is met by a server holding a dish with some bread and lemon and another server holding a bowl and a jug of water, with a third server holding a towel. The Archbishop washes his hands.

6. General Intercessions

At the chair, the Archbishop gives up his mitre and introduces the general intercessions.

The intercessions given in the Order of Confirmation or other appropriate intercessions are then read. The first prayer should include a reference to "Francis, our Pope, and Michael, our Bishop." An intention for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life should also be included. The intercessions should be placed at the ambo before Mass and should not exceed six.

Once he concludes the prayer, the Archbishop receives the mitre and sits.

Even on Sunday there is no Creed because the renewal of baptismal promises takes its place.

7. Liturgy of the Eucharist

The altar is then prepared for the Eucharistic Sacrifice. The chalice veil is removed and placed on the credence table. The Archbishop and the two main concelebrants proceed to the front of the altar to receive the gifts. Once the Archbishop comes around the altar, he gives up the mitre. At the altar, the deacon or concelebrant to his right passes the paten to him, and then prepares the chalice with the water and wine which he then passes to the Archbishop. If more than one chalice is used, then water is added only to the main chalice. The other concelebrant remains at the Archbishop's left assisting at the Missal and as otherwise needed.

Next the thurifer and boat bearer come forward, bow to the Archbishop, and go to him at the middle of the altar. The Archbishop places incense into the thurible and blesses it. He incenses the gifts, and then the altar and crucifix. As at the beginning of Mass, both immediate concelebrants accompany the Archbishop for the incensation of the altar, circling it with him. They do not hold the edge of the chasuble. The concelebrant to the Archbishop's right receives the thurible from him at the end of the incensation of the altar, proceeds to the side of the altar, bows to the Archbishop, incenses him with three double swings, bows again, and then hands  the thurible to the thurifer who proceeds to incense the other clergy as a group and then the congregation also with three double swings.

Once the Archbishop has been incensed, two servers come forward, bow to him, assist in the washing of his hands, bow again, and return to their places.

After the Archbishop has chanted the Prayer over the Offerings, his zucchetto is removed and given to a server who places it on his chair.

The concelebrant to the Archbishop's right removes the pall at the epiclesis and replaces it after the consecration. He also removes it before and replaces it after the Per ipsum.

The invitation to the Sign of Peace is given by one of the concelebrants, when a deacon is not present.

Following the distribution of Holy Communion, two servers come forward to wash the Archbishop's hands at the chair, kneeling before him. Since this is done for the removal of any particles of the Body of the Lord, this water is not poured into a regular sink but only into a sacrarium or into the ground. The Archbishop purifies his fingers with a proper purificator. For the purification of the hands of the other concelebrants, an ablution cup filled with water, as well as a purificator, should be placed on the credence table, unless the one at the tabernacle suffices.

One of the concelebrants purifies all the sacred vessels.

8. Concluding Rites

After a suitable period of silence, the Archbishop chants the Prayer after Communion, after which he receives the mitre and sits for short and appropriate announcements. The congregation sits for the announcements. At this time, it is appropriate for the newly confirmed to present a Spiritual Bouquet to the Archbishop. The Archbishop will make a few remarks.

After the announcements all rise and the book bearer brings to the Archbishop the Order of Confirmation for the Prayer over the People.

9. Dismissal

The liturgical dismissal of the congregation is given by the deacon or one of the concelebrants.

Those just confirmed should genuflect or bow together while remaining in their pews to facilitate their exit. The Archbishop and the two immediate concelebrants then kiss the altar. They go to the front of the altar and bow or genuflect if the Blessed Sacrament is in the middle. The order for the procession out is as at the beginning of Mass, with the exception that the thurifer does not bring the thurible out but joins the other servers behind  the cross and candles. The mitre bearer and crozier bearer follow behind the Archbishop.

Approved: 2021 February 06

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver

The following policy is hereby SUPERSEDED:
Policy for Confirmation with Mass, issued January 6, 2017.