Effective - October 17, 2019 17:00

Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Guidelines

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A. Preamble

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council of the Archdiocese of Vancouver (hereafter “the Council”) is hereby established pursuant to n. 27 of the decree Christus Dominus of the Second Vatican Council and canons 511-514 of the Code of Canon Law.

The Council is a means by which the Christian faithful, especially the laity,(1) exercise their right and duty to share in the Church’s saving mission(2) and to make known their needs, desires and opinions.(3)

Equally, the Council expresses the collaboration of the Archdiocesan community with the Archbishop’s ministry(4) and provides him with a valuable means of dialogue and discernment.(5)

The members participate in a spirit of communion,(6) recognizing that the Holy Spirit distributes special graces for the building up of the Church among all the faithful,(7) who share a true equality with regard to their dignity and baptismal calling.(8) In their diversity— of gifts, states of life, and offices — they bear witness to the unity in the Body of Christ.(9)

B. Mission and Purpose

  1. Under the authority of the Archbishop, the Council considers Archdiocesan pastoral activities in order to propose practical conclusions concerning them.(10)
  2. After study and reflection, the Council assists the Archdiocese to plan its pastoral program systematically and to accomplish it effectively.
  3. The Council’s concerns also include, but are not limited to, catechetical, missionary, and apostolic initiatives; the promotion of doctrinal formation and the sacramental life; and assistance to the pastoral ministry of the clergy.(11)
  4. The Council in no way replaces or supplants the function assigned by law to the Presbyteral Council(12) or other consultative bodies, but may consider matters with which the Presbyteral Council is concerned, recognizing the Archbishop’s primary obligation to seek its assistance on certain matters.(13)
  5. Matters of doctrine, moral principles, and universal law are outside the Council’s competence.(14)
  6. The Council is a consultative body, not a deliberative one.(15) This does not diminish its contribution to the life of the Archdiocese, since the theology and spirituality of communion underline the great respect to be given its deliberations.(16)
  7. Nothing in these statutes limits the right of any member of the Christian faithful to make known any matter directly to the Archbishop.(17)

C. Membership

  1. The membership shall reflect the composition of the entire Archdiocese, with due regard for diverse regions, social conditions, national origins, and occupations, as well as the various states of life and works of the apostolate carried on both by individuals and groups.(18) The Council shall have no fewer than 18 members and no more than 30 members.
  2. At least two-thirds of the members shall be lay Christian faithful active in the life of the Church in the Archdiocese of Vancouver.(19)
  3. All members must be Catholics in full communion with the Church, outstanding in firm faith, good morals, and prudence.(20)

D. Selection of Members

  1. All members are either appointed by the Archbishop or, if elected, confirmed by him. 
  2. The Vicar General and the Chancellor shall be members ex Officio. 
  3. Two deans (vicars forane) will be elected by the Presbyteral Council by a procedure of its choosing. 
  4. One priest will be elected from and by priests incardinated in the Archdiocese or holding an appointment from the Archbishop, by a mail-in ballot.
  5. One permanent deacon will be elected from and by permanent deacons incardinated in the Archdiocese or holding an appointment from the Archbishop, by a mail-in ballot.
  6. Two members of canonically recognized religious institutes of women, societies of apostolic life, or secular institutes will be elected by their members domiciled in the Archdiocese, by a mail-in ballot.
  7. One member of a canonically recognized religious institute of men, society of apostolic life, or secular institute will be elected by their members domiciled in the Archdiocese, by a mail-in ballot.
  8. Each pastor will submit to the dean the names of two nominees from among the lay faithful of his parish or at least of his deanery, accompanied by a summary description of their suitability. The dean will submit all nominations to the Archbishop, who will choose at least one name from each deanery. Where appropriate, pastors will be contacted to verify parish participation and requisite qualifications for membership.
  9. Membership shall include at least one member, clergy or lay, from each deanery not represented on the council by its dean.
  10. The Archbishop shall issue the letters of appointment.

E. Term and Loss of Office

  1. The term of office of members is three years, which may be renewed once.
  2. Membership ceases for any one of the following reasons:
    1. Resignation accepted by the Archbishop;
    2. Expiration of the term of office;
    3. Cessation of domicile in the Archdiocese of Vancouver;(21)
    4. Removal by the Archbishop.(22)
  3. In the event that a member ceases serving on the Council, the Archbishop may either select a replacement or, when he deems it timely or appropriate, repeat the procedures provided in Section C, 3-7.

F. Officers and Minutes

  1. The Archbishop is the chair of the Council and either he or his delegate presides at all its meetings.(23)
  2. The Chancellor shall be responsible for ensuring that minutes are recorded and retained in the Archdiocesan archives. Only at the Archbishop’s direction will the Chancellor or others make public the Council’s deliberations.(24)

G. Meetings

  1. The Council meets at least three times a year.
  2. Meetings are called by the Archbishop.(25)
  3. The Archbishop prepares the agenda for all meetings, and distributes it to members prior to the meeting. Items for the agenda may be proposed by the Archbishop, deans, College of Consultors, Presbyteral Council, Council members, or any member of the Christian faithful.

H. Amendments

  1. Proposed amendments to these statutes may be discussed at any Council meeting.
  2. When presented with a proposal for amendments, a majority of the Council members present must vote whether to recommend the proposed amendments to the Archbishop, who must approve any amendment to these statutes.

I. Cessations

  1. The Council ceases to exist when the Archdiocese is sede vacante.(26)
  2. The Archbishop may suspend or dissolve the Council at any time for a serious reason.(27)

Approved: Memorial of St. Ignatius of Antioch October 17, 2019

+J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver

The following policy is hereby SUPERSEDED: Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Guidelines, effective July 10, 2015

  1. Cf. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 30; CIC c. 225 §1. 
  2. Cf. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 17; CIC, c 211.
  3. Cf. CIC, c. 212 §§2 and 3.
  4. Cf. Congregation for Bishops, Apostolorum Successores, 184. 
  5. Cf. St. John Paul II, Christifideles Laici, 25.
  6. Cf. St. John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, 45.
  7. Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 951.
  8. Cf. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 30; CIC, cc. 208 and 209.
  9. Cf. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 32.
  10. Cf. CIC, c. 511.
  11. Cf. Congregation for Bishops, Apostolorum Successores, 184; Congregation for the Clergy, Omnes Christifideles, 9. 
  12. Cf. CIC, c. 495 §1.
  13. Cf. Congregation for the Clergy, Omnes Christifideles, 9. 
  14. Cf. Congregation for the Clergy, Omnes Christifideles, 9. 
  15. Cf. CIC, c. 514 §1.
  16. Cf. St. John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, 45.
  17. Cf. CIC, c. 212 §2; Congregation for the Clergy, Omnes Christifideles, 9.
  18. Cf. CIC, c. 512 §2.
  19. Cf. CIC, c. 512 §1.
  20. Cf. CIC, c. 212 §§1 and 3.
  21. Cf. CIC, c. 102.
  22. Cf. CIC, cc. 192-194.
  23. Cf. CIC, c. 514 §1.
  24. Cf. CIC, c. 514 §1.
  25. Cf. CIC, c. 514 §1.
  26. Cf. CIC, c. 513 §1.
  27. Cf. Congregation for Bishops, Apostolorum Successores, 184.