Effective - June 22, 2018 17:00

Accounting Software Policy

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To ensure consistency of financial reporting, simplicity for consolidation, and integrity of financial accounting throughout the Archdiocese, parishes are required to use the desktop version of Intuit QuickBooks® Pro, with or without the Payroll Module. It is recommended that parishes upgrade the software to the newest version at least every two years to take advantage of software developments.

Monthly subscriptions to QuickBooks® Pro, with or without the Payroll Module, provide the parish with the latest features of the software, an advantage over a one‐time purchase of the program.

For parishes not already using the approved software, assistance in setting up the system is available by contacting the Internal Audit Office: [email protected].

The software is to be password‐protected.

The accounting system is to be backed up weekly. The backup copy is to be stored offsite, in another building or in the cloud. The copy is to be tested periodically to ensure that the system can be restored in the event of a computer failure.

Approved: June 22, 2018
Feast of St. Thomas More

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver

The following policy has been superseded:
Approved Accounting Software, issued on February 17, 2011