Effective - September 04, 2007 17:00

Archdiocesan Liturgy Commission Mandate

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  1. The Archdiocesan Liturgy Commission works with the Director of Liturgy to assist the Archbishop in his work of overseeing the liturgical life of the Church in Vancouver. "Since he is the principal dispenser of the mysteries of God, he is to strive constantly that the Church's faithful entrusted to his care may grow in grace through the celebration of the sacraments, and may know and live the paschal mystery" (canon 387).
  2. The Liturgy Commission acts as the Sacred Art Commission and as the Sacred Music Commission for the Archdiocese, in accordance with Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 46.
  3. The Director of Liturgy chairs the Liturgy Commission.
  4. The Liturgy Commission shall:
    1. Be familiar with directives on the liturgy, sacred music and sacred art produced by competent authorities and assist the archbishop in procuring their implementation;
    2. Promote formation and training in the liturgy for clergy and laity, especially educators;
    3. Identify liturgical resources for use in the Archdiocese;
    4. Promote coordination of initiatives in liturgical formation;
    5. Consult for the Archbishop in the design and furnishing of new churches and chapels and renovations to existing ones.