JUly 2024

Intercessory Prayer Network

Hail, St. Joseph, Patron of Canada, protector and guardian of our beloved homeland. Keep under your paternal patronage, in this our hour of need, the unity, the faith and the integrity of your children, the peoples of Canada, from sea to sea to sea. Amen.

Priests on the Move

New pastoral appointments for the Archdiocese come into effect on July 11. Our pastors and priests play an essential role in fulfilling the goal of making every Sunday matter through preaching effectively, fostering reverent liturgies and nurturing a welcoming culture in our parish communities. Let us remember our priests during this month of transition, that they will receive the grace to embrace these changes with humility and courage.  

Let us pray for all of our priests who are transitioning into new roles and parishes this month: that they will be warmly welcomed by the communities of faith whom they will lead to be closer to Jesus.

Monthly Pro-Life Mass and Prayer Vigil

One fundamental answer to abortion, euthanasia, and the attack on life is prayer. Join your voice with ours as we pray and witness, on the first Saturday of each month, for a new culture of life. Please join Archbishop Miller on July 6, at 9:00 am at St. Clare of Assisi Parish in Coquitlam for the next pro-life Mass and Prayer Vigil.

We pray with Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, for the protection of all human life: for those who are suffering, the unborn, the marginalized, and those asking for euthanasia.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

On July 28, we celebrate the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which Pope Francis has highlighted as a day of recognizing the dignity of those who are often cast aside because of their age. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Do not cast me off in my old age” (Psalm 71:9). The Holy Father reassures the elderly that “God never abandons His children,” acknowledging the loneliness often experienced by elderly individuals, especially in poorer countries where their children are forced to emigrate.

Let us pray for all grandparents and the elderly: that they will abandon themselves to God’s Providence and our loving care. Let us pray also for all families: that they will grow in appreciation of the perspectives and depth of experience of those who are elderly.

Indigenous Relations

Please pray for the ongoing work of healing and reconciliation with our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Pray especially for the committee of Indigenous and Church leaders who decide where local funds are invested to best promote healing and reconciliation. 

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