November 14, 2021 00:00

Enrollment in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform Kicks Off

November 14, 2021 - Today in Rome, the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development launched the much awaited enrollment phase of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) is a Vatican-led initiative in collaboration with several partners to empower the universal Church to achieve total sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology. The Green Churches Network plays a central role in the platform’s development as a member of the working group.

The enrollment in the LSAP begins on the World Day of Prayer for the Poor, a deeply meaningful symbol of the Platform’s commitment to serving those who are most vulnerable to the consequences of our socio-ecological crisis. It is also a powerful Gospel message, especially in the wake of the recently concluded COP26, that the transformation of the world and of our societies will begin from below and will be led by ordinary people.

This new phase of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform sees the launch of a first-ever international suite of practical resources to help Catholic institutions, communities, and families along their journey towards integral ecology. It is time to act and act together!

Once enrolled, participants can make commitments to creating their own Laudato Si’ Plans. Those who make the commitment will have access to tools that help them understand and evaluate where they stand along the road to integral ecology; tools to reflect on their values and the Laudato Si’ Goals; and tools to develop effective plans to achieve the Laudato Si’ Goals.

“The steps in this platform are the same that the Green Churches Network have been promoting since 2006, but now, we are connected to Catholic organizations all around the world! Any parishes, dioceses, religious congragations, schools in Canada can call the Green Churches Network for help with the Laudato Si Action Platform”, said Norman Lévesque, founder of the Green Churches in Canada.

The Laudato Si Action Platform will help communities and individuals from each of the seven sectors across the globe to start planning and take action looking forward to achieving the seven Laudato Si´Goals.

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is available at More information about the Green Churches Network is available at

For more information, please contact:

Erica Follon
Director of the Green Churches Network
[email protected]
1 -844-490-6464 (toll free)
514-543-6464 (in Montreal)

Norman Lévesque
Member of the LSAP working group (Vatican)
Founder of the Green Churches Network
[email protected] 

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash