July 21, 2023 00:00

Archbishop's Message on World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: 

Today the Church celebrates the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.  We are honouring them for transmitting the faith to us and keeping the memories of our families.  They are witnesses to the truth of this year’s theme, “His Mercy is from Age to Age,” a verse from Mary’s Magnificat upon greeting her elderly cousin Elizabeth. 

The Archdiocese of Vancouver is blessed with a rich diversity of cultures and ethnicities, many of which revere, care for and accompany the elderly with their love.  This is a great gift to all of us.  In our fast-paced, individualistic, productivity-driven world, they help us to remember this invaluable generation, without whom none of us would be here!  

Let’s be intentional about bridging the generations and finding ways to create fruitful dialogue.  If you have grandparents, visit them.  If you have elderly neighbours, offer to mow their lawn.  If you know friends or relatives who are in a care home, bring them a card and flowers with your smile.  Many of our elderly parishioners are alone, so let’s do all we can to reconnect them with the larger parish family.    

For World Youth Day this year, the Holy Father is asking the young adults to dedicate their pilgrimage to their grandparents or an elderly friend, and before they leave for Portugal, to visit these loved ones and say thank you for the gift of faith passed down to them.  I encourage each of you to do likewise: acknowledge, thank, and help your grandparents and the elderly in your community.  Do so, not just today, but regularly, so that God’s love and mercy will flow through you as a blessing from those who have gone before you.   

With cordial greetings and the assurance of my prayers for you and your families, I remain 

Sincerely yours in Christ,

 J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver