March 22, 2023 00:00

Archbishop Miller’s Share Lent Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Each year during Lent, Catholics are called upon to accompany our Lord in his forty days of trial in the desert.  The Church encourages us to fast, pray and be generous in our almsgiving.  Catholic Social Teaching compels us to act in word and deed with a preferential option for the poor and for the care of our common home.

In response to the Holy Father’s recent call for us to “create a world of hope,” this year’s Share Lent campaign from Development and Peace - Caritas Canada asks each of us, once again, to be generous in aiding our needy brothers and sisters in the Global South: Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

The theme of Share Lent this year is “Create Hope. Stand for the Land.” On March 26, the Fifth Sunday of Lent, please respond to this appeal as generously as you can. Together we can bring relief to our suffering brothers and sisters who are struggling desperately to protect their lands – their very source of life and hope – against ruthless exploitation by mining, agribusiness, climate change, and war.  Let us create hope in the Global South. 

Through your selfless generosity in the past year, DPCC has supported 86 projects in 40 countries, all acting in concert with the core principles of Catholic Social Teaching: solidarity with the poorest of the poor.

With gratitude to you for standing with those of our brothers and sisters who are in desperate need, and with the assurance of my prayers for you and your families during this Lenten season, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ, 

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver