June 19, 2022 00:00

Archbishop Miller's Pro-Life Sunday Message 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

As Catholics we are called to protect all human life: unborn life in the womb, the lives of the elderly, and the lives of the vulnerable in our society. Pro-Life Sunday is an opportunity for us to support those on the front lines of this all-important work. Your generous gifts are a tangible means of advancing the Pro-Life cause through organizations in our community that fight for the dignity of each and every person at every stage of the precious gift of life.

Crisis Pregnancy Centres welcome expectant mothers and fathers with resources and counselling, before and after the birth of their child. They also offer counselling and accompaniment for those who are living with the pain and regret of a past abortion.

Other groups work tirelessly to help families care for sick or elderly loved ones when they are most in need. The growing spectre of euthanasia makes this outreach more crucial than ever. A significant number of those who request so-called medical assistance in dying do so because of loneliness or a fear of being a burden on their loved ones. Timely visits and small acts of kindness can go a very long way towards eliminating the desire for euthanasia. Groups which train and organize pastoral visitors and advocates for those in hospital or long-term care play a vital role in helping people navigate and survive a medical system that increasingly pushes assisted suicide rather than palliative care. 

This Pro-Life Sunday, please support these and other organizations through a generous gift, so they can continue to defend the dignity of human life and be a voice for those who unable to speak for themselves.

With my blessing and the assurance of my prayers, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ, 

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver

Download Archbishop Miller's message

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